The DIVI Primary menu and logo shrinks in size when you scroll down the page. In DIVI when you scroll down, the fixed header settings come into effect. In this quick tip we will see how to prevent the shrinking of the DIVI primary menu and logo and keep it the same size on scroll. 

You can make the Primary Menu and Fixed Menu (on scroll) height to exactly same so that your logo and menu items do not shrink. Lets see how to do that. 

Here’s how the Primary menu looks with the default settings. Notice how when you scroll the the primary menu and logo shrink.

Primary Menu Before Scrolling Down

DIVI Header/Primary Menu before Scroll

DIVI Header/Primary Menu before Scroll


Primary Menu After Scrolling Down

DIVI Header/Primary Menu after Scroll

DIVI Header/Primary Menu after Scroll


Steps for keeping DIVI Menu same size on scroll

Step 1) Find out what your primary menu height and the text size is is by navigating to 

DIVI –> Theme Customizer –-> Header & Navigation –-> Primary Menu Bar –> MENU HEIGHT

DIVI –> Theme Customizer –-> Header & Navigation –-> Primary Menu Bar –> TEXT SIZE

In my case this a a value of 67 and 14 as shown below . 

Primary Menu Height in DIVI

Primary Menu Height in DIVI


Step 2 ) Make the Fixed Menu height and text size same as the number you have in the primary menu (in my case 67 and 14)

Navigate to 

DIVI –> Theme Customizer –> Header & Navigation –> Fixed Navigation Settings –> FIXED MENU HEIGHT

DIVI –> Theme Customizer –> Header & Navigation –> Fixed Navigation Settings –> TEXT SIZE

Make the fixed menu height and the text size exactly same as the primary menu and now your logo and menu items won’t shrink on scrolling down.

Fixed Menu Height in DIVI

Fixed Menu Height in DIVI

Now, when you scroll both the menu will not shrink any more and both of them will have the same height and text size.

I hope you enjoyed this quick tip. For more DIVI TIPS and TRICKS make sure you visit my DIVI BLOG.
If you like to hire me for designing or editing your DIVI website, send me a message on my contact page.



  1. Navara T.


    I have a problem. I already changed the Primary Menu Bar and Fixed Navigation Setting likes you. But my primary menu and logo still shrinks in size when I scroll down the page.

    Can you help me please?

    • Girish Dadlani

      Hi Navara,
      What is the website link that you are working on.?


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